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10 Reasons To Outsource Your Marketing

Most leaders in today’s small and mid-size B2B companies struggle with marketing. Maybe they don't need a full-time marketing strategist. Maybe they don’t have a strategic marketing plan at all. Or maybe they lack the expertise needed to get the job done right. Whatever the source of your marketing struggles, there is a simple solution: outsource your marketing.

Here are ten reasons it’s right for you:

1. Decades of marketing expertise - Outsourcing allows you to tap into and leverage a solid knowledge base, accessing world-class capabilities that are not available internally.

2. Effective tools and channels – By outsourcing to experienced marketing professionals, you'll know your marketing dollars are being spent on the right tactics, taking advantage of the most up-to-date tools and channels.

3. Consistent marketing – Employees get sidetracked with other obligations and are pulled away from marketing efforts. When outsourcing to a dedicated marketer, the marketing plan is consistently executed without gaps or interruption.

4. Measurable results - Outsourced marketing professionals are responsible for demonstrating ROI, giving you complete confidence that your company’s budget is being effectively allocated.

5. Consistent brand and marketing – Without time and expertise, marketing can become inconsistent. By outsourcing, you ensure brand consistency is carried out through all your marketing initiatives.

6. Access fresh ideas – Employees familiar with the ins and outs of the company can develop tunnel vision. An outside perspective provides a fresh set of eyes and innovative ideas to pump up your marketing.

7. Advice on latest marketing channels – Marketing professionals have up-to-date knowledge on the latest digital and social platforms. They can advise you on the opportunities that will help your company reach its marketing goals.

8. Focus on your core business – Delegating marketing to a third party allows the chief executives to focus on their core business activities rather than on when to send out the next e-newsletter

9. Lower costs – Full-time senior and junior marketing directors can cost thousands of dollars each year. Outsourcing can have a defining impact on a company’s revenue recognition and can deliver substantial savings, not to mention improved ROI.

10. Free up internal staff – Outsourcing allows internal staff to work on other revenue-producing activities, which increases company productivity and efficiency.

For more information, watch a video case study on how outsourced marketing helped one of our clients achieve world-class marketing.